Workplace and storage space

In 2014, an American entrepeneur, commissioned an envy-inspiring replica of the legendary 1937 Super J-Class yacht Endeavour 2. The 42-metre yacht built by Royal Huisman Shipyard was named Hanuman. For this ship, the crew of replaced the containers serving as a workshop and storage space with a Portobox.

An extendable lifting beam with trolley to facilitate the loading and unloading of the sails, bespoke rope bars and shore power; the Portobox storage space was tailored exactly to the customer's wishes. The same high standards were applied to the other Portobox, which was transformed into a workshop. With a stainless steel workbench, BOTT interior and LED lighting the crew of Hanuman was provided with every convenience.


Our references These are some of our customers' ideas and wishes put into practice!

From container to nautical workshop or storage space!

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